We speak to Eleanor about her excellent new YouTube channel and the day to day life of a Production Assistant.

Hello! My name is Eleanor Rose and I have been in the publishing industry since October 2019. I work as a Production Assistant at Bloomsbury, but regularly do marketing and publicity work too.
How did you get into publishing?
Through LDN Apprenticeships. I am part of the first ever publishing apprentice cohort! Applications, interviews, tests and a trial day later, I got the job!
What does a typical day in your current role look like?
- Processing reprints - P&Ls, POs, talking to printers and typesetters
- Handling POD and NIPPOD titles - getting print-ready text and covers
- Managing author PM survey - send out and collate results
- Other admin tasks
Marketing and Publicity:
- Creating press releases
- Researching
- Sending files to magazines
- Other admin tasks

Has your attitude to reading changed since working in the publishing industry?
Yes! I definitely read more now. I’m appreciating how much work actually goes into a single book! With the hundreds of books published and talked about at work, I read more to stay on top of it all. My commute into the London office before lockdown also meant I was reading on the trains.
Is there a book that you have worked on that you are particularly proud of? Why is that?
All of them! They’re all different and fun to work on. If I had to list some;
- Three Women - very popular
- Santa Jaws - I got to be more creative!

Where do you buy or access your books?
The Bloomsbury website and charity shops.
What books have you been reading in lockdown? Do these books typify your usual reading taste, or have you found yourself reading other genres and authors?
I have been reading more non-fiction than normal, e.g. The Science of Sin (Bloomsbury), Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race (Bloomsbury) and I Choose Elena (Indigo Press).
What’s the best book you’ve received as a gift?
The Greatest Showman book. (My fave film!)
What surprises you about your bookshelves?
I seem to like plain covers!
What were your favourite 2020 reads?
You can find my favourite books of 2020 here!

What are your most anticipated reads for the rest of the year?
You can watch my new YouTube video to find out!
Readers can follow Eleanor on Twitter and Instagram, follow her YouTube channel, or email her at eleanormarierose@gmail.com.
